Point blank, whether it's increasing your punching speed, zercher deadlift, VO2 max, bicep peaks, or all of the above, you will never plateau again or you'll get your money back.


We have a constantly evolving methodology using both old and new sources, including:

- Old time Strongman Training
- MMA Conditioning Research
- The United States Military Industrial Complex
- Chinese Olympic Weightlifting
- Eastern Bloc training methods


My time with AFF has been nothing short of amazing. I’ve been a lifelong athlete as well as a professional basketball player. I’ve spent over 17 years in the weight room, 11 of those coaching as well. The approach AFF has brought to my training has enhanced it more than any other training I have done. AFF has brought the most steady progress in strength, mobility, mindset and dieting than anything I have done before. Any questions I have are always answered right away and there is also a team behind you to give you the extra push and guidance as well. I cannot recommend this coaching enough.

—Ian A., Strongman Competitor

The results were transformative. My deadlift soared to 655 pounds, I was squatting 500 pounds for doubles, and benching 315 for reps—all while training as a fighter. This foundation led me to win a light heavyweight MMA belt, compete in Muay Thai, and participate in several grappling matches.Through this program, I not only became stronger and faster but also remained injury-free in the gym. I found myself part of a community of like-minded individuals who inspired me to push beyond my limits. The Antifragile Athletes group is, without question, the most exceptional collective of men I’ve ever met.

—Colin Z., MMA fighter and Powerlifter

I have my Masters Degree in Sport Psychology, so I understand the value of sport science; however, my experiences in running ultramarathons informed me that voluntary physical duress nourishes the soul in a way that science cannot quantify. I would put Arthur’s expertise on physical culture amongst few others who I hold in high regard: Percey Cerutty (Legendary Australian running coach), Mark Twight (Former Alpinist, Author, Photographer and Founder of Gym Jones [and, most recently, NonProphet]), Pat McNamara (Former Spec. Ops and Creator of Combat Strength Training).Prior to Anti-Fragile Athletes, I had completed 17 ultramarathons and 8 Marathons.  hit the pause button after partially tearing my achilles during a 100K race in October 2021 (which forced me to drop out at Mile 44). After two years of exhausting my options with P.T. and every other possible workaround besides surgery, I figured it was time to change things up. I signed up for Anti-Fragile Athletes in preparation for the Sean O’Brien 100K run in early January 2024. This course is comprised of 15,000 feet of climbing through mostly exposed mountain terrain. Up to the race (and during) the achilles issues completely dissipated to the degree it became a nonfactor. Not once did I experience any achilles pain during the race. Additionally, I was stronger than I have ever been. My mobility and overall range-of-motion also improved, which helped me in sustaining the training load to be fully equipped for the race. Ultimately, I finished the race in 15 hours, thus qualifying for the Western States 100 Lottery (The Boston Marathon of 100-mile ultras).Overall, my experience with Anti-Fragile Athletes was phenomenal. Arthur has cultivated a unique community of hard-chargers, something every gym I have stepped foot in dramatically lacks. His training suited my schedule and allowed for ample adaptation and pivoting. Moreover, AFA is directed to the ordinary man with extraordinary goals. His programming is geared to integrate into the busyness of life.  All of my strength attributes increased while I was able to build my endurance. I have no doubt that I was the strongest athlete at the 100K race and completed it at just over 190 lbs.

—Tyler B., Ultramarathoner